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What Happens to the Human Brain During Trauma?

What Happens to the Human Brain During Trauma?

What happens to the human brain during a traumatic event? When a person experiences trauma, whether that be acute, chronic, or complex, the chemistry inside the brain is altered and the brain begins to function differently. This is a protective mechanism that we all have that quickly kicks in when we are threatened or in harm’s way—this is our brain’s way of insulating and protecting itself. Understanding this brain shift helps victims who have been affected by trauma better understand their experiences and the emotional aftermath of those events.

Overcoming the Fear and Avoidance of Trauma Triggers with Therapy

Overcoming the Fear and Avoidance of Trauma Triggers with Therapy

Traumatic experiences leave a lasting imprint in our minds and change the way we see the world.  These imprints cause some people to develop a fear of people, places, or objects associated with the traumatic event.  Having a reaction to a reminder of past trauma is called a trigger.  Triggers can cause significant stress and unrest in our lives. The pattern of staying away from social situations, specific memories, objects, places, or even smells, is called avoidance.  Avoiding triggers can lead to feelings of powerlessness and isolation. Today we will explore how therapy can help us overcome fear and avoidance of trauma triggers and regain control of our lives.

Unpacking Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Identify Behaviors You Need To Let Go Of

Unpacking Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Identify Behaviors You Need To Let Go Of

Trauma can be one of life's most difficult challenges to navigate. It can leave you feeling helpless, overwhelmed, and completely disconnected from others or even the world around you. Maladaptive behaviors, or unhealthy coping skills in nonprofessional terms, are behaviors we use to help us deal with challenging situations, perhaps because of trauma. Such coping skills can include substance abuse, unhealthy eating habits, and risky behaviors.

Coping with the Numb, Disconnected, and Detached Feelings Caused by Trauma

Coping with the Numb, Disconnected, and Detached Feelings Caused by Trauma

Trauma manifests in different ways for different people. Some people experience flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety. Others feel numbness, disconnection, or detachment from reality. These symptoms make it hard to function normally, leading to social isolation and feelings of hopelessness. These emotions can also make it difficult to connect with others and can even interfere with daily tasks such as work. Coping with trauma is not easy, but there are strategies you can use to manage these difficult emotions. In this post, we will explore coping mechanisms for those struggling with numbness and disconnection.

Understanding and Coping With Painful Trauma Nightmares and Flashbacks

Understanding and Coping With Painful Trauma Nightmares and Flashbacks

If you've experienced trauma, you may know what flashbacks and nightmares are like. Most individuals who are living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experience nightmares or flashbacks. This is one more way that the brain reacts to a traumatic experience. Understanding what nightmares and flashbacks are, how they affect you, and how to cope can help in increasing your quality of life.

Identifying and Changing Negative Thought Patterns After Trauma

Identifying and Changing Negative Thought Patterns After Trauma

Trauma affects more than our bodies; it also affects our perception of the world around us. Trauma changes the way we see ourselves and our relationships with others. It is not surprising that survivors often develop negative thought patterns after an event that can take years to heal. Negative thoughts are harmful for your mental health and physical well-being. It is important to identify these patterns and learn how to change them.

5 Signs You May Need a Trauma Therapist in Tampa, FL

5 Signs You May Need a Trauma Therapist in Tampa, FL

Trauma is a challenging experience, but with the help of a trusted therapist, you can rebuild your life. It is normal to seek help from mental health professionals when needed. A therapist can provide the proper guidance you need to get on the path to healing. If you or someone you know is struggling with the effects of trauma, it is important to seek help from a licensed therapist who specializes in trauma treatment.

Worried about Holiday Trauma revisiting you this year?

Worried about Holiday Trauma revisiting you this year?


If you're dreading the holiday season because you're worried about your past trauma being triggered, you're not alone. Triggers can come in many forms such as songs, family rituals, scents, sights, and memories. Then there is always the pressure to conform to societal and familial expectations that says, “it is the most wonderful time of the year”.

In a survey by NAMI, “approximately 75% of overall respondents reported that the holidays contribute to feeling sad or dissatisfied and 68% financially strained. 66% have experienced have loneliness, 63% too much pressure and 57% unrealistic expectations. 55% found themselves remembering happier times in the past contrasting with the present, while 50% were unable to be with loved ones.”

Complex Trauma Recovery Group in Tampa

Complex Trauma Recovery Group in Tampa

Christian Counseling of Tampa is offering a trauma support group for survivors of trauma. This trauma support group will educate participants about the neurobiological impact of trauma. The group will also serve as a support group and allow the members to grow from their experiences. There will be a limit of 10 participants with at least 6 people committed to the trauma support group before it will start. The group focuses on helping those who have experienced physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and relationship betrayal. Christian values will be incorporated as part of the group process. If interested, please contact Christian Counseling of Tampa. You can meet with a trauma therapist to set up an interview with the group facilitator.