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mental health

Understanding and Coping With Painful Trauma Nightmares and Flashbacks

Understanding and Coping With Painful Trauma Nightmares and Flashbacks

If you've experienced trauma, you may know what flashbacks and nightmares are like. Most individuals who are living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experience nightmares or flashbacks. This is one more way that the brain reacts to a traumatic experience. Understanding what nightmares and flashbacks are, how they affect you, and how to cope can help in increasing your quality of life.

What really is depression?

What really is depression?

Thankfully mental health is becoming less taboo these days. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a lot of confusion about it. For this week’s blog I thought it might be helpful to provide basic information about depression. How is it defined and diagnosed and what are some healthy coping skills for managing it?

Loss Comes in Many Forms

Loss Comes in Many Forms

There’s no other way to say it, but loss is painful. When we think about loss, we most often think of an actual passing, a loss that is identified with the individual or loved one no longer being here on Earth. I’d like to point out, however, that loss comes in many forms and, often times, those losses can feel almost as significant. In fact, you are experiencing a death of some kind; one that must also be grieved.

The way our minds process grief and loss truly is interesting. I recently heard that research studies have shown through brain scans that the loss of a relationship looks the same as an addict who is experiencing withdrawal. When our brains are missing what once was, the brain will release the same chemicals that indicate a “need” for whatever that “thing” is. We miss the familiarity, the comfort, the habits and the routine that the partner, job, drug, etc provided.