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Who is in Control: Your Emotions or You?

Who is in Control: Your Emotions or You?

“My child doesn’t know how to control his anger.”

“I feel terrible that I lost my patience with my little girl.”

“I regret how I reacted during a conflict with my husband.”

I often hear common concerns such as these when working with families. Whether from our crying baby or disrespectful teenager to high levels of work stress or relational conflict, we can all relate to moments when our emotions seem to control us.

Communication- How to Listen Well and Speak Up for Yourself

 Communication- How to Listen Well and Speak Up for Yourself

Communication. It’s something we all have to do, daily, if not constantly, with our bosses, spouses, family, friends, children and even strangers. For some, it seems to come so easy, confidently expressing thoughts themselves. While for others, it is a major struggle to get across the simplest of requests without feeling uncomfortable.