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Mark Lauver

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

The world we live and grow up in surrounds us and shapes us. It influences our choices, our relationships, our careers, our families and where we find ourselves at certain crossroads and decisions we have to make. When we come to those critical junctions, learning more about why we find ourselves where we are can give us the opportunity, as Paul was explaining to the Christians in Rome, to make better, healthier and holier choices.

What are we Missing?

What are we Missing?

For those of you who do not remember the game of Pac man I will excuse your youth and give a brief explanation. The goal of the game is to chomp your way to the end of the maze consuming dots along the way while avoiding “ghosts” to reach the finish. It was a very popular game in the 1980’s. The ironic thing about the game was that as you went through the game successfully and chomped, chomped your way to the finish, the Pac man icon would never be completely full. So you would move onto the next screen and start over again. (To be gender neutral there was a Ms. Pac man game who suffered the same eventual incomplete fate).

Living Through Grief

Living Through Grief

We all at some point in our lives will have to face challenges, difficulties and loss. Grieving is a natural process that God gave us to deal with these experiences. Most people associate grief and mourning with death of a spouse, relative or someone we have a strong emotional attachment with. However there are many circumstances that might include grieving, including job loss, relationship breakups and major life changes caused by illness. In reality, any experiences or losses that affect us in a traumatic way can involve grieving.