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Feeling Behind as a College Student

Napkin with future, plans, and goals. Consider working with a Christian Therapist to reach your career goals. Learn how to cope with anxiety surrounding career decisions by scheduling with one of our therapist in North, Tampa or South, Tampa.

As new therapists who work with teenagers and college students, we hear a lot about always feeling behind or being in a rush! This may include feeling rushed to get into your dream school or get started in a dream job, feeling rushed to reach relationship goals, or just overall feeling behind peers in life. More than average stress levels have been reported by college students with only 9% reporting little stress to no stress. Why does the world put so much pressure on teenagers and college students? Does it really matter if you don’t know everything by your freshman year? Does it even matter in the real world? We’re here to share some insights and perspectives on career development during the teenage and college years. 

The Perspective of a Recently Graduated Therapist at Christian Counseling of South Tampa - Hailey George 

The few years after college can bring ample changes. You may have one friend who is going back to school to get a Master's or Doctorate. You may have another friend who is settling down in a relationship or thinking about marriage. You may have another who is spending time traveling the world. Up until this point, everyone has been in the same stages at the same time, going through high school together, and then college years. As a therapist for teens and young adults, something I see so often is clients will compare the place they find themselves with others. This is both common and human, though just because something is human does not mean that it is helpful for our mental health! 

Here are a few ways we can quiet our internal dialogue of comparison!


This is a spiritual discipline where we intentionally remove outside input (podcasts, music, books, talking to others) and instead are present with ourselves and God.

Write down comparison thoughts

This is an exercise where we write out anxious thoughts on paper and try to challenge them. If you have a thought that says “You are behind in life,” you may write it down and challenge it with something that is true, such as “I am exactly where God has me right now for a purpose.”

Get off technology!

When we ground ourselves in reality (real relationships, real jobs, real tasks) thoughts of ourselves get significantly quieter. 

The Perspective of a Recently Graduated Therapist at Christian Counseling of North Tampa- Josie Mojica 

When I was in elementary school, I had hoped to be famous one day. In middle school, I remember having to do a research paper on a specific career I was interested in. By then I was interested in physical therapy. Or at least I thought, I was only 12! Throughout high school, I took the health sciences route. So I went into my freshman year of college as a nursing major and changed it to human ecology before the semester even started. I quickly learned that human development and psychology were areas I loved. I remember graduating with my undergraduate degree in Human Ecology in 2020 thinking “Wait, what now?” I was interested in areas of therapy such as speech therapy and mental health counseling but the problem was all of these options required more school. Which meant more time between me and a successful career.

Now, recently graduated and taking steps into my career, I can still find myself thinking “What else?” What else do I need to do, to “arrive” or “make it”? I’d love to have an answer to that question that wouldn’t change at some point. Which leads me to point out that it’s likely your career interests will change over time! I think our desire for more in the world can lead us to explore the mystery and abundance of Christ, right where we are. I first encourage my clients to consider life beyond getting the degree or the dream job and to explore the personal value systems that may lead them along the way. From there we can make informed decisions and develop flexible career goals. 

Woman working on her laptop. Explore your resources for navigating life transitions during the college years. Our therapist at Christian Counseling of Tampa are available in the northdale neighborhood and near Hyde park village.

Additional reads:

3 Reasons Why Prioritizing Your Mental Health As a College Student is Crucial

What is Anxiety?

Building Healthy Relationships in College

Exam Anxiety and Strategies for College Students


High school and college are exciting times in our lives, but it can also be overwhelming. Balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and social life can cause anxiety. Our therapists can offer support from our North Tampa, FL office and our South Tampa, FL office. To start prioritizing your mental health, follow these simple steps: 

Contact Christian Counseling of Tampa or call us at 813-756-8435

Schedule to meet with one of our counselors at our North or South office.

Start learning how to prioritize and manage your mental health.


Our Tampa, FL-based therapy practice offers a wide range of services to meet your specific needs. We understand the many ways your mental health may be impacted in life. As a result, our team is happy to also offer play therapy, anxiety treatment, premarital counseling, Christian counseling, counseling for teens and young adults, and therapy for depression. We use a variety of treatment modalities including CBT, EFT, grief therapy, and more! Feel free to learn more about us by visiting our FAQ or blog today.