Dear valued client,
The staff of Christian Counseling of South Tampa continue to monitor the CO-VID 19 circumstances and updates. We desire to keep the staff and clients health and safety as a high priority.
In lieu of this, we are providing alternative measures should you choose. VSee is a videoconferencing option like FaceTime or Skype that is HIPAA-compliant.
We are not currently on a mandatory shelter-in-place order at this time. HOWEVER, EVEN IF WE WERE AND IF WE DO, ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE APPOINTMENTS WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A PERMISSIBLE APPOINTMENT FOR YOU TO ATTEND SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO. Mental health is considered just as much of an equitable need as physical health legally.
Please consider your own situation. If you are showing signs of the virus that are being cited from the CDC ( , have been exposed for example through travel or medical facilities, fall into the high-risk categories, are exposing yourself to the high risk populations in your circles, or choose to not want to take the risk, please sign up on the link below for your virtual session
However, if you feel that none of this applies to you and if your counselor is one that has chosen to continue to see face-to-face sessions, we will see you at your regular scheduled appointment time.
At this time, the following counselors have considered their situations and have elected to go to strictly virtual sessions. The link to their VSee virtual accounts follow.
Amy Vsee:
Alex Vsee:
Mary Ann Vsee:
Should you elect to have a virtual session with any of the other counselors, their VSee virtual accounts are as follows:
Shanon Vsee:
Alexander Vsee:
Barbara Vsee:
Chris Vsee:
Colin Vsee:
Heather Vsee:
LeaAnn Vsee:
Mark Vsee:
Please be advised that our cancellation policy is still in place. If you choose to utilize VSee for your appointment, email, so your counselor will know to meet you on VSee.
We continue to hold you in our prayers during this time.
CCST Staff